What’s The Best Way To Get Aerial Footage?

There are few visual experiences more impactful than an aerial view. A skyhigh perspective is striking and provides a level of visual detail that is hidden from an ordinary view point. Whether you want to showcase a sprawling campus, a new roof, or a high traffic outdoor event, there is no better way than with aerial video footage.

Drone Footage is an Accessible Way to Get Aerial Footage

Today, getting professional quality aerial video footage is more accessible than you may realize. Camera-equipped drones can be readily deployed to obtain aerial footage at a wide range of altitudes. Traditionally, aerial footage had to be shot from an airplane or helicopter, and was a much more limited and costly proposition. Drone technology has advanced tremendously in recent years and has opened up a wide range of aerial footage filming opportunities.

Can Just Anyone Shoot Aerial Footage with a Drone?

While many amateurs, including children, fly small drones recreationally, flying larger, professional scale drones with advanced photographic capabilities is another matter. There are many rules and regulations governing the use of drones, including the use of drones for commercial endeavors. Anyone using a drone for business purposes should be FAA certified.

FAA certified commercial drone pilots undergo extensive training to assure they understand how to operate drones safely and within full compliance with FAA regulations concerning drones. Any business or organization looking to obtain aerial footage for promotional or other purposes should always do so with an FAA certified drone pilot, to avoid risks or problems.

drone flying

Why Work with Brave Dog for Your Aerial Footage?

Brave Dog is your Greater Cincinnati-area source for aerial footage filmed by a professional videographer and FAA certified commercial drone pilot. We are fully compliant with all FAA safety regulations, so you will never have to worry about whether your project is being done in accordance with best practices. Additionally, Brave Dog is a highly talented creative team, so you can be assured your aerial videos will be amazing. Brave Dog will coordinate your entire aerial video project, from creative development to providing correctly formatted video files.

Contact us to discuss your aerial project.