Video Licensing Agreements: What’s Important To Understand

We are often asked what is involved with video licensing, and why it is so important. Licensing is required for the use of most created content, such as fonts, pictures, music, and video. In short, licensing allows content creators to protect their work and helps to cover their cost of doing business.

Protection of Video Content in a Digital Era

reading licensing agreementsThe issue of video licensing has become more important, especially now that there are so many ways content can be easily shared and distributed. Before embarking on a video project with a video production company, it is essential to always take the time to discuss the purpose of the video and how it will be used, so that a contract can be developed to protect the integrity of the project for all involved.

Video Production Contracts & Copyrights

A contract consists of an agreement between private parties that creates mutual obligations, which are enforceable by law. While that may sound a bit ominous, what it amounts to is a commitment that you’ll do some work for someone and they will pay you for that work, and that you’re both legally bound to honor your commitment. The video production contract will establish the parameters of the video project so that everyone will have the same expectation.

Copyright protection concerns the right to copy an original created work, and provides the owner with the exclusive right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, or display the work. Under copyright law, the maker of the video owns the copyright by default, not the party for whom it was created. Again, the copyright agreement parameters should be worked out ahead of time and detailed in the contract by way of licensing agreement.

How A Video Licensing Agreement Works

By establishing a licensing agreement, businesses who hire video production services are legally permitted to repurpose or republish material per the specifications of a contract. Sometimes referred to as a copyright license, licensing provides a flexible way for businesses and video producers to legally establish how content will be used and distributed.

Through video licensing agreements, the individual or company that produced (and owns the rights of the content) grants a third party permission to use it for monetary compensation. This licensing agreement protects both parties involved.

Brave Dog Values Mutually Beneficial Client Relationships

Our team believes in clear communication and working out agreements that are beneficial for both your business and ours. In developing contracts in the project planning process, we are committed to taking all the time needed to assure mutual understanding of all aspects of the project. We are eager to earn your trust and satisfaction with our first video project, and we will work hard to remain a dedicated partner to handle all of your video needs. Contact us today to discuss your project.